are you ready for training?
We offer two versions of Story Circles. The first option is a one day teaser exercise for a large group providing an idea of what the full Story Circles training involves. The second option is the full training spread out over multiple weeks in groups of five participants.
Story Circles Demo Workshop (one day, 6 hours, multiple groups of 5 participants) This event consists usually of a 2 hour lecture/discussion from Randy Olson, then a 3 hour session in which a single hour Story Circles Training session is expanded to allow group discussion and exploration of how Story Circles works. We ran this at University of Wisconsin with 35 biologists from US Fish and Widlife. Everyone left with a clear idea of what the full training would involve, with most participants wanting more.OPTION 2 - FULL TRAINING
Story Circles Full Training (10 one hour sessions, one group of 5 participants) This is the full ten hour training that was run with our prototype groups. The participants can either get their orientation by attending a Demo Day, or we provide the two hour orientation in person. Participants are given kits that include an 80 page workbook. The hour sessions are tightly structured around a cueing video that prompts the group every three to five minutes as they move through the set “workout.” The focus is not on teaching large amounts of material, only on taking a small amount of material (the narrative tools) and using it repeatedly. The groups can meet either in person (LOCAL) or via teleconference (REMOTE). Our experiences so far with USDA suggest there’s very little difference in the effectiveness.THE MECHANICS OF STORY CIRCLES
This would be how each of the 10 one hour sessions of Story Circles work.
HYPOTHETICAL GROUP: Richard, Monica, Jian Yang, Laurie, Bachman
(Narrative Analysis)
 Analyze 5 abstracts
Analyze 5 abstracts
Analyze 5 abstracts
Analyze 5 abstracts
Analyze 5 abstracts
Analyze 5 abstracts
Analyze 5 abstracts
Rewrite 2 abstracts
Rewrite 2 abstracts
Rewrite 2 Abstracts
(Narrative Development)Â
Develop Richard’s non-fiction story
Develop Monica’s non-fiction story
Develop Jian Yang’s non-fiction story
Develop Laurie’s non-fiction story
Develop Bachman’s non-fiction story
Develop Richard’s non-fiction revision, then fiction story
Develop Monica’s non-fiction revision, then fiction story
Develop Jian Yang’s non-fiction revision, then fiction story
Develop Laurie’s non-fiction revision, then fiction story
Develop Bachman’s non-fiction revision, then fiction story
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